
Cyclopic head

I had no time to fill all the little holes and make an extra smooth surface, I'll do it just before the real paint job.

My "favourite pin-up ever" looks very bored in this one...

Over all I'm pretty happy with the results.

8 commenti:

Simy ha detto...

Cribbio!!! E' venuto proprio bene questo faro! Se non ti avessi visto farlo di persona non ci crederei...

Plan B Motorcycles ha detto...

lo so che non hai mai fiducia...;-)

Badseed ha detto...

...and at night with left hand bends? Sorry!
It seems a bit too inward (the light) to be of any use.

Plan B Motorcycles ha detto...

Mmmh, probably you're right. It would be like burn the left hand headlamp on an Alpine A110, or on the Elise (they are both pretty inward). I'll try it at night (very slow..) and if it doesn't work properly I can move the lamp one inch outward with easy modifications or add a left hand headlamp.
Thank you for your advice!

Badseed ha detto...

Maybe a "careful" (by careful I mean hidden) positioned stripe of leds below the fairing and in the left front suspension area could help keep the cyclopic look while providing some light to that side of the road. I know it's a bit late but the good eye should have stayed nearer to the middle of the road - so as to give incoming cages a better awareness of your frontal position. I don't know the Italian road legislation but here in Portugal you can ride in a car with the right light dead but not the left - I know you're not making a car. :)

Plan B Motorcycles ha detto...

Road legislation here in Italy is a big mess actually :) It depends on who you talk to (or wich agent stops you at the side of the road...)
I am thinking about adding a mini projector (something like this) hidden under the left fork in the brake caliper area. It will probably add some light in the inner left corners while keeping the asymmetric look.
What do you think about that?

Badseed ha detto...

(Proverò il mio Italiano 'stavolta) A me piacciono i fari a la mister magoo e mi piacerebbero sul manubrio de una "naked", ma credo che con il poco spazio che hai sotto la tua carenatura e per non togliere al "look" che cerchi andrebbe meglio una striscia di led

Plan B Motorcycles ha detto...

Complimenti per il tuo italiano!
Ho capito quello che intendi, ma non so se la striscia di led farà abbastanza luce, per questo volevo provare a mettere un faretto molto piccolo sul piedino della forcella difianco alla pinza del freno. In ogni caso proverò entrambe le soluzioni.
Grazie ancora per i consigli!


Almost ready to take everything apart on this one too. Hopefully.  If I don't come up with some last minute overcomplicated stupid idea ...