
You will see it only if you know it's there...

In the attempt of keeping down the temperature under the seat of "The Dirt-One" (all the electronics packed in such a small place can become very hot), I decided to turn all the alluminium plate under the seat in a big dissipator.

Also made an extention to act as mudguard/airbox

It looks like the rear diffuser on sports cars

Almost invisible when everything is in place... but you know it's there..

Thanks Enrico!


The TR-1 Top Yoke

In order to set the right ride height and bike geometry, I had to fabricate a new top yoke to raise the front end a bit

Halfway through


Machines are great, but nothing beat the "hand finish". So, after several hours of smoothing, sanding and buffing, here it is .

Actually this is only the first round of polishing, the detailng will be done later on the build.


Other than brace the forks in the new position, the round-ish design let the top yoke "hug" the usual Plan-B-tacho-pod and keep it closer to the rider.
There is still room for some pilot lights and toggle switches...


Almost ready to take everything apart on this one too. Hopefully.  If I don't come up with some last minute overcomplicated stupid idea ...